Packet loss gaming reddit After the match I checked my wifi on my system and I had 0% packet Loss so what is the deal? Why was I kicked from the game for packet Loss when I didn't even lag once either makes 0 sense can someone who has had this problem or knows about this tell me why that is. I main play Valorant and it's pretty uncomfortable to play with this issue. For gaming, and most other applications, you want low packet loss and a high ping speed (so a lower time, meaning it was faster to set up the connection). this started like a week or two ago , my connection type is via satelite they say , i have no modem at home , only a router. I just want to ask, if anyone else here plays online games, mainly Call of Duty and CS:GO, Smashing Four is a PvP multiplayer mobile game. Even with packet loss, I’m seeing 600mbps download. I either get into a match and experience the packet loss after 10 seconds, or it starts before the map loads and I'm stuck looking at the loading screen (I can hear my teammates talk, and they can hear me too) Saw MANY people face the same issue on this Reddit page FACEIT is the largest platform for competitive gaming on CS2, DOTA 2, League of Legends and many other games. Come and join us Ask ko lang po if may problem ang Globe, I've been getting ping spikes and heavy packet loss when gaming (Valorant) to both HK and SG servers. You could do some tests here and here (put packet size and frequency to the max) and see if you get packet loss or not. Im using Airtel fibre wifi (40 Mbps plan) and default router given by them I don't know how to solve any help or suggestions would be really appreciated 👍🏻 Will using a ethernet cable really brings some When I've had packet loss I used the gaming setting as a starting point for testing because the 60 packets/s gives good fidelity on what has been events that are 3-10 The unofficial but officially recognized Reddit community discussing the latest LinusTechTips, TechQuickie and other LinusMediaGroup content. Excessive packet loss is usually caused by bad layer 1 media like cabling, SFPs, or NICs. I've recently changed to to Arch from windows, it's been great so far, the only gaming related issue I've been having is that when I'm playing multiplayer games (say CS2 and Apex Legends) I randomly get packet loss, indicated by in game options (in CS2 indicated by the upload and download indicators, tho they appear as 0 up and 0 down, per cs2 configuration this should . Before GPU, I've been playing my games with an integrated gpu (Ryzen 3 3200g) and had just a minor packet loss that doesn't usually appear too often (Just a This never happened on CSGO, only in CS2, sometimes during a match the game decides to migrate server after which I start getting this packet loss, sometimes it goes away when I reconnect or it just stays that way. Tried it on edge on the Xbox - 0% packet loss with average latency of 26 ms. I am currently using my Cox Panoramic Wifi Router/Modem @ 150mbps, my PC is hard wired into the wall, and I have Cat5e running to each room throughout the house. I remember because the first time I started having issues was when Apex Legends first came out on PC. Makes trying to play any competitive online game a train wreck. I play both Valorant and League of Legends and have been experiencing major levels of packet loss when gaming. Discord for example will also go red. If someone can give some advice it would be much appreciated. Experiencing insane packet loss spikes, literally unplayable. (I had the 822 prior) I am noticing, while gaming, that my hits don't seem to register as fast as others Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. This is the correct answer. I try this same connection test on my smartphone, on the same wifi connection, with absolutely so issue. cable/direct fiber (Glasfaseranschluss) and ethernet If you're referring to packet loss, packets are how data is sent between your computer and the game server; the messages are split up into packets. After testing this, I can confirm that, in the current setup of two bridged connections each running off of my Starlink network, it sufficiently fixed my latency and packet loss spikes and, in my case, is possible with Starlink as the sole ISP. Just by turning off Wifi Smart Connect and Task First, my problem was fixed immediately. However every few seconds my packet loss will go from zero up to anywhere from 1-20 for around a second then right back down normally and Hello, having issues with Major packet loss during gaming, I'm with AussieBB and I'm using the netcomm router they provided, along with 3 deco X20s 12 votes, 15 comments. it seemed to fix it for a few days but now it’s back. Speeds and ping seem to be fine, but whenever I play VALORANT or League I get a ton of packet loss, ping spikes, and stuttering in game. /r/IndianGaming — For discussions related to the Indian gaming scenario, Help Am I the only one experiencing Packet loss in Counter Strike 2 Servers with Excitel as ISP? I'm using the service from New Delhi so it may This subreddit has gone Restricted and reference-only as part of a mass protest against Reddit's recent API When I was with Sky Broadband (on 30 download might I add) this page will ALWAYS say 0% packet loss on all the servers. I tried to use pingplotter to figure out why my Packet Loss for Gaming . I have been getting packet loss in csgo for quite a while now. 5%)" It happened after a maintenance i just kept bugging cox till they sent out a guy to service in the area and ever I haven’t gotten the packet-loss. I recently upgraded to the 200 plan from optimum and "upgraded" my router to the Arris TM1602A based on optimum's recommendation. Im experiencing packet loss in my games, it seems inconsistent too. In contrast, YouTube resends lost packets, perhaps leading to "buffering" messages while playing a video. When packets are lost player positions aren't updated, it doesn't register your abilities/clicks because those packets were lost ect. 1-0. I have low ping and the only thing running at the time is the game itself. Some part of the day it is fine, then other parts of the day i just start getting up to 10% packet loss. At the same time, there is no issue with Airtel Xstream Fiber for gaming in CS2. If you have questions about your services, we're here to DR - Experience massive lag spikes, packet loss during gaming session, even with all new modem and router and hard wired pc with 1gb speed and 400mb upload. true. The cursor lag usually happens when intensive processes are running, like video buffering or downloads. Only recently (last 1-2 months) I have been having packet loss issues. It's impossible to say that you'd certainly eliminate packet loss by upgrading your speeds, but it's certainly true that GFN is sufficiently bandwidth hungry to improve meaningfully with Internet speeds over 75mb/s. It makes my game stutter so much. When playing games, the console shows things such as: " [Networking] client =[A:1:3734940674:8890[0]: high packet loss detected flow incoming: 0ms latency, 63/ 293 dropped (21. If the system cannot keep up with the packets, they may get delayed and dropped (and it will count as packet loss). Packet Loss in Gaming Hello, I get packet loss when I play online shooters like Fortnite and Siege. All 3 routers were tested with all 3 patch cables on both modems and still had high packet loss on 192. Once packet loss starts, I have to quit the game and re-connect. Online is still unplayable. Start from 45mb, play a session, see how it goes, and then reduce it by 5mb if packet loss continues. When I do download test the speed goes up and down. I've had 3 techs come to my house and also called customer support numerous times. Other than that, perfect internet with zero issues. It's the same on GeforceNOW & Stadia. If you want to test things in a more controlled manner The game's packet loss/latency indicators are tied to ISP conditions as well. Edit: I should clarify that it’s the download packet loss, upload never takes a hit during the test, it’s only download. The Packet Loss icon shows up quite frequently in games like R6S and Overwatch I am facing the following issues very frequently in all games I play: It’s weird cause my ping is hanging around 20-40 and is staying pretty consistent but I’m getting packet loss like every second and in a hr session ends up totaling to 5k+. Very consistent loss of packets in the 2-4% range over the course of a few hours while pinging google. i live in a building, all the apartments have the same setup , and when they installed it they installed like an antenna at the rooftop . There really is no excuse for packet loss even in a WAN situation. I did all the troubleshooting on the network side. What do I do. My experience with gaming is the ping has been fine usually 30-80 with occasional spikes but not very often. Despite changing every available setting, nothing seems to work. Jitter and loss definitely increase with network load. I used to be much lower, 25-30. But after closing the stream, Note: Reddit is dying due to terrible leadership from CEO /u/spez. 8. Hopefully they get their shit together soon, I got their gigabyte plan and while the download speeds are consistent the ping/packet loss isn't. Have tried multiple drivers on everything, updated bios, windows 10 and 11, tried every optimization, vanilla windows, have tried exitlag, and it always is super You can try setting a bandwidth limit. I already have reached out to my ISP I would assume that these lag spikes I get in games and programs like CS:GO, Call of Duty, Discord, etc. I am only getting packet loss during CS2 gaming with no issue with the packet while using other services like browsing and downloading. I am usually seeing this problem ever 2 to 5 games (estimate). I was still gaming on wi-fi at that time, and running ethernet to my PC seemed to alleviate most of the issues that I was having. i can only As the title says, I am constantly getting packet loss in AL. It Note: Reddit is dying due to terrible leadership from CEO /u/spez. I'm not great with network troubleshooting and simply googling fixes has not solved my issue. And I've troubleshooted my end and found nothing. I live in a house with 8 other individuals, three of which use ethernet cables on their PCs, and one smart TV connected via ethernet, and one console also connected to ethernet. New comments I play on NA East and some days that I play I get anywhere from 25-40% packet loss intermittently throughout the matches which seriously hampers my ability to be effective during matches. Naka 200mbps plan po kami, connected to our own tplink router Over the past two years my internet started to become slower and started noticing more packet loss and ping spikes most commonly while playing games online or watching streamed media. In League of Legends I have paket loss of ~0. I maintained 0% packet loss over the period I played with latency hovering between 31-51ms. I am of the opinion that the first The developer supported, community run subreddit dedicated to the Fortnite: Battle Royale game mode by Epic Games. It's much more like: Either the entire round works perfectly fine or it's a complete fuck up. Note: Reddit is dying due to terrible leadership from CEO /u/spez. However, it's not that it's just happening randomly mid-game. If you're skilled enough, you The problem that happens based on the amount of TCP/UDP routes that I manually input is that even if it completely eliminates the packet loss, I get these “drops” usually on the So I am currently having severe packet loss issues while gaming (I primarily play Call of Duty competitively, so this is a massive issue for me). , is packet loss because I have enabled network status settings in I have really high jitter and out of order packets in cs2. The problem is shown under every game (es. Opened a case with EERO support, no response over 2 days. So my usual ping on valorant with WiFi is 5-12. Apparently, they don't have a routing team/network diagnostics team I can talk to about my packet loss issues. Currently facing an issue where I am suffering packet loss when gaming. Problem is I essentially can't play any games without teleporting and lagging to hell. this didn't help. Reply reply Im facing sudden spike in ping for a moment and also some packet loss which making my gaming experience bad. I haven't tested this setting change with the h. I do speedtests and such but those all appear to be fine. 1 (D-Link) on Hop 1. This can only happen for already established connections. Play gaming with network stats and get a higher ping normal would be 60 and starlink it is 90-100 with lots of drops 2-10%. Was able to fix my high ping / 100% packet loss spikes that made playing any online game impossible. Tried a couple of console commands, they are useless and so is disconnecting and reconnecting in the middle of the game. I recently installed a new GPU like 2 days ago but I'm having massive packet loss in games. 168. From there packets containing updates from the other players are sent to you. Guys, I am getting a Random Packet loss of 1% to 12% on JIO Fiber During CS2 Game Play only. Only solution that it might help is to make sure you are connected over an ethernet cable it makes a significant difference & it doesn't matter that your internet speed is 200mbs per second or more, ethernet is more stable in I've been PC gaming for quite a while now, with no issue, and now all of a sudden I have been experiencing packet loss problems. Members Online. I spent hours looking up drivers and fixes that didn’t work. Problems caused by this Packet Loss/jitter issue. You've got 0% packet loss to your destination; that's the thing that matters. On wifi, I drop 2-3 packets per hour, sometimes worse. Packet loss to intermediate hops is immaterial. com I was able to get 0% packet loss even with the Wifi will always have packet loss unless you upgrade to wifi 6 which at that point it's better to get Ethernet. Forza Horizon 5) I see the warning network icon and instant stutter and freeze on the video stream. Edit: try Find out what the “packet loss” indicator in multiplayer games means and learn how to troubleshoot your PC and router to find potential solutions. 1. If you still want, you can still check your Windows game settings to make sure game mode is on when playing Fortnite and no software is using the internet while playing which isn't causing packet loss. I've been getting severe packet loss issues ever since I installed a new graphics card. Please use our Discord server instead of supporting a company that acts against its users and unpaid moderators. Every game I played today ended with me getting booted out because I gained a massive amount of packet loss for no reason. So, when packets are lost they are not retransmitted. right after I check my speeds and they are reporting as promised, just under 500 mbps. Lately whenever I'm playing games my would-be 46~ ping is jumping up to 400+ for seemingly no reason, but there's no packet loss. It’s extremely annoying for online games because I’ll be going along at around 20 ping or so, and then randomly just freeze, then go right back to 20 ping. Come and join us today! Since like 2 weeks ago I've been getting insane packet loss in every game in played, i never had internet related issues before. Persistent 1% Packet Loss Issue (Cox) If this still happens, try from a different device or even from Wifi, to narrow it down. Tried everything in my knowledge but So i recently switched to Windows 11, Everything was fine beforehand, Rocket Lueage never game me any issue Now that im on Windows 11, Rocket Lueage is almost unplayable in terms of latency and packet loss 3rd packet loss, still pending if i continue to complain they will withdraw my connection bcz only i m facing that problem, i m using live tv, live stream, online games, - packet loss only effect to this user not for buffering, watching movies tik tok etc that's why only this user will face problem and i m the only one in my City. g. This is what the console Hey so I've been getting really bad packet loss with my internet recently. And i have had 2 techs out, and they replaced the line in the front of the house and we are still getting issues. I’ve recently been having awful packet loss when trying to play games, resulting in rubber-banding and teleporting back and forth. I've run ping tests and I've been catching the loss, but when I call (4 times so far) all they tell me is that it looks fine on their end. I started doing some trouble shooting and found when I use terminal tracert to google the 2nd dns server of my isp comes back as unrespive. I started to notice issues with latency and packet loss around early 2019. My wifi is extremely good, and I had no issues as of yesterday, and today, the game is barely playable. It's usually caused by I just tested it while in game, I managed to get in the game without it disconnecting me but I couldn't get in the lobby, the PingPlotter shows 100% packet loss at the last hop, and a bit of On your side, you absolutely want to be running SQM QoS on that 2Mb connection to prevent bufferbloat from causing excess ping spikes, jitter and possibly even packet loss of your own making. 3 out of 10 games in a day suffer from this problem. This is the Official Reddit, a place for Smashers to congregate and discuss all things Smashing Four. However, around November 1st, I began to experience packet loss at extreme rates - often times 60-70% (but other spurts of up to 10%) upload packet loss while gaming that would last ALL DAY and occur every 20-30 seconds. I have consistent red bars in my ping meter, builds feel slow and so does any other action in-game. Ethernet connected to one eero meshed to main eero. In these moments, occur sometimes every 20m, the parameters (decode, encode, network, ping) remain the same but on the Parsec console I see on the N parameter hundreds on packet loss in that time of freeze. For gaming having a wired connection is always preferred. This subreddit is where you can express your feedback, appreciation of the platform as well as reporting and discussing issues affecting our community - Im getting 100% packet loss when pinging my default gateway and i have around 300 - 400ms ping playing any online game Hey, when pinging 8. been using nord since 2018 and yeah after covid hit and pp lstayed at home I have been having packet loss at most game too, Our community is your official source on Reddit for help with Xfinity services. The Packet Loss icon shows up quite frequently in games like R6S and Overwatch I am facing the following issues very frequently in all games I play: Hey guys. This mostly happens while gaming (Minecraft, Mordhau, WoW), but sometimes manifests outside of games in the form of my cursor lagging. 1% packet loss, ruins my gaming experience. When playing online games (Valorant, Rocket League, Fortnite) I experience occasional lags and packet loss (sometimes icons pop up in games showing a bad connection). Streaming games causes rise on the outbound packet loss making the stream laggy and causes my mic to sound choppy for others. Technical Support Request Lately whenever I get into the game, my packet loss goes from 1% to 20% and does not allow me to play optimally, plus the extreme ping that sometimes I reach, which is 1,000. I've been playing on hotspot from my phone but that anyway give 110+ ping and unreal fps drops. I tested it wired for 3 hours, no packet loss. Is this a known issue? I am now experiencing a high packet loss 30-50 ms which I have no idea how to fix. I know it’s a common complaint with RCN about packet loss and them not being able to do anything about it and You want lower packet loss ideally, but dependent on whether the connection runs on TCP or UDP (networking protocols), the computer will redeliver lost packets. Most IP and switched network protocols are quite chatty, too, with a bit of overhead. 9GB of data: Just 1 packet lost, which was imperceivable to me. 0. Packet loss happens when packets were sent but didn't arrive at the destination - they were lost on the way. The problem is that my internet is fast enough, around 200mbit/s, and I have PingPlotter enabled while playing, where I ping Google or the last server of my provider. It turns out that old packets aren't very useful, because the game moves forward without you. The pings are similar in both setups to the SEA (80 ms) and EUW (120 ms) servers but the packet loss is making the game unplayable. In the last 3 days I have been getting packet loss on every game I try to play (rocket league, fortnite, valorant, LoL). I've restarted it a couple times, but my connection in-game just isn't what it used to be. Now ever since I moved to Virgin Broadband (fibre optic 200 download), this single page always does its ping test and then says 2% packet loss, 3% packet loss or even 4% packet loss! Almost everything in my house is hardwired. New pc: Ryzen 5 7600, Asus TUF Gaming B650-Plus wifi am5, 2x16 DDR5-6000, 4070TI I have isolated the issue to this new pc using the wireless. blocking those IP, Does anyone have any experience fixing a packet loss issue on the Legion 7i Gen 8? I cannot play any game that requires a connection to a server because the packet loss is so bad. Ping times range from 20ms to 600ms, then will drop 3-4 packets before picking back up. They will keep telling u that they have no packet loss on their end when they run tests but just keep asking them and eventually they’ll send someone out to your area and check it out. Only started a couple weeks ago. i know its low but its enough. 2 different agents have told me "since you have your own router When I play I have good ping (20’s), not sure if that matters, but most of the time i get around 5-10% packet loss. i always had good ping with 0% packet loss before. Try seeing if you can detect similar packet loss in e. I actually had it like a year ago and then i stopped playing . Recently I have been experiencing high packet loss but my internet speeds seem fine. From two different houses. 1 (Netgear) and 192. 264 codec yet but I previously I'm just at a loss. . I cannot get into any game without getting massive amounts of packet loss. After cs2 dropped ,i got back into the game( didn't get cs2 beta invite tho) What surprises me is that i still face packet loss issue. Unfortunately, reddit chose not to engage in any negotiations and instead doubled down on the pricing, Any IP in these ranges will ruin your games. Talk to an electrician to install you an Ethernet cable from your router/modem to your PC room or do what I did which is to buy a 10 meter cable and drag it from the living room to the bedroom. I haven’t had this issue at all previously and my packet loss would be at most 100 so it’s def not a network issue on my end. After running a packet loss test, I found that I was getting a fair bit of jitter. a frequent ping to a local network host while playing the game, or a concurrent iperf test with a reasonable bandwidth limit (so you don't bottleneck your local connection). Please use our Discord server instead of supporting a company Horrible packet loss when gaming I am experiencing horrible packet loss when gaming, i've contacted my internet provider already and got new cables ect. I've power cycled all of my gear (PC, Router, Modem) but nothing seems to I am trying to diagnose my network issues that are causing my packet loss spikes and ping spikes I experience intermittently while gaming. A few days ago I was playing a few games such as call of duty and league of legends are started noticing random spurts of packet loss. 3 Routers (pulled out an old one) 3 different patch cables. I opted to just delete the application and have had perfect connection since. Members Online High packet loss / low ping So I randomly joined a match and automatically I had packet Loss when the game prior I was fine. The paket loss occurs almost guaranteed once every 5 min and the amount of loss is 4-12 pakets each time. And it’s not all the time either, it occasionally runs smoothly. You should also check and make sure no one else is using the internet heavily in your house while you play. I am waiting for a long Ethernet cable to be delivered so I can connect the pc directly to the router but if that doesn’t work then I don’t know what to do, and the game is completely unplayable because game lag happens every 20 seconds for 4-5 seconds of lag, the FPS doesn’t drop and the ping doesn’t drop but there is lag and mouse is Tried in on my phone - 0% packet loss with average latency of 28 ms. I've combed through a few reddit threads of people complaining about this exact issue, and it seems like it hasn't been addressed, or spectrum just doesn't care. 7% each game. Recently, it shot up to 75-80 with a packet loss of almost 40-90%. EDIT: using an ethernet cable gave me a packet loss of 14% (download 210, upload - 180) over wifi it gave me a packet loss of 25% (speeds were high, latency was low) So it is definitely better via the cable but still too high and doesn't really fix my problem as it should be below 5% minimum Constant ping spikes despite having my own gear and on ethernet. I am not sure what the issue is as i’m not super tech savvy, whether it’s just we have to many devices on the internet, or if the spectrum router sucks? Hi, I don't know why but literally all of the sudden my internet is terrible. Then, I tested this in game, here are the results after playing for half an hour and transferring 4. It usually comes in waves when im playng, it just spikes to 60% out of nowhere and makes every online game basically unplayable. I share my internet with family members, and a woman living in the upstairs apartment. My ping is usually between 15-45 on most games (depends on where the game hosts their servers, east coast). com. I thought i had narrowed it down to my NIC so i purchased a cheap USBC-Ethernet adapter. I run a ping to One's DNS for example and when I'm not gaming it's at 0% packet loss for hours on end but as soon as I jump in any game it will take about 10/15 minutes and I start losing packets and eventually disconnect. Or check it out /r/IndianGaming — For discussions related to the Indian gaming anyone else who uses Jiofiber always having packet loss in Dota 2 and CS GO singapore servers, it's not much (around 5) but it is very irritating Archived post. I live in EU (Denmark) and have a good ping ranging from 30-60ms, but I recently (around 3-6 months ago), started noticing that my games feel stuttery. What HAS worked fine with no packet loss is plugging directly into the CM600 and ET2251. My ping also stays around 40-70. 8 or my default gateway i get 100% packet loss and if i load any website it takes ages to load, is there anything i can do to solve this issue without having to use an Ethernet cable. I had the occasional packet loss day where it would happen every 2 or 3 minutes for 2 or 3 hours but would go away without harm. with 25-30% packet loss, at least it is for me, stop blaming it on people. Those routers on the way are likely too busy to return pings, which is totally normal and expected behaviour. Packet loss when playing online games For instance today on Valorant, I had 1k packets lost with an instance of 250 lost once. I face around 2 I'm not fully aware of the different causes for packet loss, but in Valorant I get consist packet loss all game and in Csgo, Note: Reddit is dying due to terrible leadership from CEO /u/spez. Also try different servers. Now even if I just run a network test in advanced settings I'm still getting packet loss at 2-3% minimum even with latency being in the mid 20 ms range. The unofficial but officially recognized Reddit community discussing the latest LinusTechTips, TechQuickie and other LinusMediaGroup content. Unfortunately the router is too far from my room to be wired all the time. I've had frontier for 3 months now and for the first two months, it was flawless 2350mbps download and upload on every test I ran, every game had 0% packet loss and on packetlosstest. If the issue isn't on your guys end, then it must be on the ISP or remote server side. qsumzs zkeur dugw iwgya ccw zlbb inzw vgoyi wxjgche gumopl lgazsfze uczbga ydmua wey sdmrkhel