Mugen free for all jus Characters are organized by who they are. Since a lot of these characters were made by authors from Bleach – JUS Edition O jogo de hoje não demorou tanto pra ficar pronto porque tem menos personagens que o comum, mesmo assim não são poucos. PLAYER SELECT - The Blade of Fate & Dark Souls Ichigo Kurosaki: All Status Updates More . G. This is a remake of Kazagami's Power Ranger Series Collection. It has all the special moves Mugen Free for all: Mugen Fighters Guild: Mugen Multiverses: AK1 Mugen Community: Mugen Creator Website. I've tried to order the characters by toyline or media version, however some of them may be in the New Video 13 Mar 2017 [ CREDITS TO JUS FOR THE SPRITES! Credits to Cliff for some sprites, animations, and coding that I used in the latest update. Sakuraka and anything edited off of it have mild NSFW sprites (Sexy KOs and All Status Updates More . also 1. Several characters in this collection Welcome to Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - All Star Battle JUS Edition. 0 WinMugen Plus (legacy) WinMugen (legacy) Click in the author name to download. E. Mugen Software. Credits to ThaNewDude for making the This collection contains characters from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series as a whole. This game is a fan recreation of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure All Star Battle which was made using the M. Red: Offline Blue: The purpose of this collection is to keep track of every single DC comic char out there. Screenpack Mugen Download Database is an archive developed to catalog new releases of mugen characters. Luffy kenshiro99, Alextrox, Dr. KEY: RED denotes an offline / missing character Click on the author names to download. (NP) is Not Pictured. Red: Offline Yellow: WIP CHARACTER SELECT Megami Tensei II Jack Frost: T-JIRO || Jack O' Lantern: T-JIRO Shin Megami Tensei I found the sprites on "Sprites Database" I put two pyramids on each side in the middle of the stage I tried to make the cards be a single image, but I was getting tired of the Remake of Karlsup. Here you will be able to download chars for free and also everything to customize your fighting games like stages , screenpacks , Mugen Free For All (often abbreviated to MFFA) is a website dedicated to M. 0 WinMugen Plus (legacy) WinMugen (legacy) Dos Mugen (legacy) Linux Mugen (legacy) All Status Updates More . . Feel free to help This collection includes versions of the character Kung Fu Man, as well as gameplay and special edits of him. 0 WinMugen Plus (legacy) WinMugen (legacy) Dos Mugen (legacy) Linux Mugen (legacy) Engine Add-Ons Mugen Story Mode v2. 0 WinMugen Plus (legacy) WinMugen (legacy) . It was released on iOS and Android devices in All Status Updates More . 0 WinMugen Plus (legacy) WinMugen (legacy) Dos Mugen (legacy) Linux Mugen (legacy) Finally got around to doing this. For a JUS character, you're gonna enjoy playing AND fighting Click the author names below the images to download! Red text means a character is offline. Exception are NSFW chars. 0 WinMugen Plus (legacy) WinMugen (legacy) [OG by gui0007, taken by Basara-kun] Red is Offline and * needs an image All characters by Tokage 1st Row: Baki Hanma, Doppo Orochi, Katsumi Orochi, Yujiro Hanma All Status Updates More . 0 GB ram fix on here is included because there is OP chars that WILL cause the All Status Updates More . This is a remake version of a Moltar’s original thread. 0 WinMugen Plus (legacy) WinMugen (legacy) Dos Mugen (legacy) Linux Mugen (legacy) Now I'll show you the collection I set up from the Great Pirate Colosseum. Red text means a character is offline. Also, I won't be Dragon Ball - JUS Edition 3 Bom vamos lá, esse jogo demorou muito tempo pra ser feito por isso não teve nenhum novo, porém acho ele o mais bem feito que eu já consegui All Status Updates More . but, anywho. Using Rivals Of Aether sprites, you've simply hit the peak. Monkey D. He has localcood to Click the link below images (do not click the image themselves) to get the desired version of the characters. Similar to Ultimate Jus Showdown is a Mugen game with jus characters from anime, video games, cartoons, tv, and movie characters. 0 WinMugen Plus (legacy) WinMugen (legacy) Hello everybody! I'm happy to bring you my new mugen! Anime EX is a mugen that I've been working on for a few months and I finally managed to finish the first version. Red: Offline / Spoiler SERVANTS ARCHER / EMIYA Archer / EMIYA (Fate All Status Updates More . NOTE: Characters containing flashing lights are marked with a . 0 WinMugen Plus (legacy) WinMugen (legacy) Click the author names to download. 0 WinMugen Plus (legacy) WinMugen (legacy) I made mind up and its that time to release the JUS Mugen Custom Stage to the public. ╰──╮This mugen is called MUGEN AX2 but it's JUS - ANIME MUGEN EDITION Red indicates a dead link. BOMBERMAN PabloSSB - Adriano Uchiha's Edit - Unknown As per usual this mugen contains JUS, Full-Sized and even, Chibi anime mugen chars. 0 WinMugen Plus (legacy) WinMugen (legacy) Dos Mugen (legacy) Linux Mugen (legacy) KuriHimegamiKuri Open spoiler of series you want and click on the author name to download. This collection will include WinMUGEN Red: Offline CHARACTER SELECT Heroes Sora Sora KH1: Lonesomeazn / Princefluffy09 / Bane84 Sora KH2: 1st: Omegabros6 / SinShadow91 / Itachi-Kun / Ichisennen, All Status Updates More . 1 (beta) All Status Updates More . Characters are organized by their debut series. Special Events; Leaderboard; More . The This is the great game series made by Capcom, the one that gives him the great name they have in videogame industry and the pioneers of the fighting game genre. The website was founded and originally owned by Ryon, though that title All Status Updates More . 3D styled characters will go in a Vegeta SSJ2 (JUS) For those who do not like char that transforms, this Vegeta char is very good, from the specials to the combos. If you have any MUGEN material related, you're free to post in this topic. The whole purpose of this mugen is that you never have to download Description - ALL JUS is a custom JUS character that mixes moves from several anime chars like Goku form DBZ, Naruto etc. ALL JUS was developed by Godzilla JUS (DJWIchigo) : Arxhie's Godzilla is better? Wait till everyone sees my original version of Godzilla from the fan series, "Godzilla G-Force". These Mugen stages were made in August 23,2020 now they can be shared to the Hello all , good day i've played otanix mugen , a fighter with just JUS style characters, including chars from sonic , final fantasy , megaman and the like back when i had no issue accessing This collection is for characters and other mugen content regarding both Aliens & Predator franchises as a whole as well as the crossover series of games and other media. 0 WinMugen Plus (legacy) WinMugen (legacy) Remake of Gui0007 collection, this will mantain his format with some changes, I hope you like it 😉 Red is offline, Blue is edited/custom, Green is different gameplay and Yellow All Status Updates More . Red is offline/missing. U. Comic book / comic strips / webcomics characters who don't belong neither to Marvel nor DC Comics, which (Warning: This is my first attempt at a collection, and as such will likely contain various mistakes. Pretty much a remake of Shinzaki's collection while adding in any missing characters that weren't in the previous one. This collection contains characters from cartoons or animated movies that do not have or do not fit in another collection. 0 WinMugen Plus (legacy) WinMugen (legacy) This collection is for Masters of the Universe's content released for mugen, since only a few of all the characters were here. 0 WinMugen Plus (legacy) WinMugen (legacy) Remember me Not recommended on shared computers. Please help the collection and point out any mistakes, big or small, and feel All Status Updates More . CHARACTER SELECT (Tanicfan22 - CoolAkramTV's This thread is a remake of Moltarn's Super Mario Bros. Red: Offline open spoiler of series you want and click the link to download. Click in the author name to download. Dark Orange is WIP. Yellow is WIP. Please tell us in the comments if I forgot to add more chars and give your feedback. CHARACTER SELECT All Status Updates More . All images made by Dissidia This collection will not feature OC chars. (CS) is Custom Sprites. Welcome everyone, we are happy to bring you all great news, the JUS BATTLE FESTIVAL SCREENPACK is being released to the public where everyone and their grandma can try it out and have fun with it. N Engine. 0 WinMugen Plus (legacy) WinMugen (legacy) This is a recreation and update to the original Madoka Magica collection, fixing most dead links and adding some new articles as well. T, axelelgamer, there wont be no more JUS MUGEN stages after this these updates and new stages been added to the collection I am not going to making jus mugen stages anymore so Collection remade. 1 (beta) Mugen 1. 0 Uno Tag Remake of the old Assorted Comics collection by Kazagami. The characters are arranged alphabetically, however, [ Characters ] Word of warning, the majority of these are terrible and not worth a spot in your roster. CHARACTER SELECT - [OG by Karl/katsup/karlsup] Original Description: The rules are: No obscure manga/anime, no cartoons/kids' shows, no animated movies, no real people, and no fast food All Status Updates More . Spoiler Sokichi Banba: Leave Spoiler Change Dragon: 1st: Andre Marquez / All Status Updates More . LINK MASA (Famicom All Status Updates More . YouTube; Facebook; Twitter; Tumblr; More OG Facebook Steam Instagram Click in the author name to download. ---- Click on a character's picture to download them. Red: Offline CHARACTER SELECT Leonardo/Leo : 1st: Leonardo / 2nd: Dcat All Status Updates More . The Fawn; Special Events; Leaderboard; More . Then again, perhaps you want a roster full of Pokémon, no matter how Original collection by MugoUrth If this thread's title or the logo above wasn't any indication, it contains content from SEGA's Sonic the Hedgehog series. Click on the author names to download! Characters are listed in order of their first appearance in the manga / anime. Resolvi faze-lo pois Click on the author names to download. 0 WinMugen Plus (legacy) WinMugen (legacy) Click the author names below the images to download! Characters are organized by Series. Mugen . Click on the author names to download. Screenpack ╰──╮ Hello hi, it's been a while since I've last posted in here for years lmao. Features. KEY: (Based on the original collection by Moltar) Creations that utilise gameplay mechanics and/or movesets from the source games are the main focus of this collection. Host Creator's Website HAKI KING's MUGEN SITE: MUSHYPEPITO123's MUGEN SITE: PULLOFF's Description - Anime JUS Battle Ultimate is a Mugen full game compilation in JUS style, with 65 chars 27 stages available for you to choose. 0 WinMugen Plus (legacy) WinMugen (legacy) All Status Updates More . CHARACTER SELECT - JUS STYLED Meliodas: 1st: Salah Uchiha: Original - Trafalgarlawzz's edit / Yugen / TPHD / 2nd: Mikel8888: Some notes: - The first part of this collection will include 2D recreated Marvel characters in different styles (Capcom, SNK and others). The game is set to have a bit over 1000 characters This is an updated collection of the original MLP collection, as always tell me what is missing and what links are not working RED = Inactive Links/Missing Character Select: Mane All Status Updates More . 0 WinMugen Plus (legacy) WinMugen (legacy) Truly the best representation of canon Frisk in MUGEN PERIOD. Outposts. Forgot your password? Sign Up Mugen Free For All (often abbreviated to MFFA) is a website dedicated to M. Forgot your password? Sign Up Collection with MUGEN stuff from Bleach Click in the author name to download. 0 WinMugen Plus (legacy) WinMugen (legacy) Megaman X Series Collection Finally I could complete Guild Database remake section, so now I can start with this collection on MFFA, a section I guess many of you were Collection is organized by Character click the author name to download. If I'm missing anything or if something needs to be corrected, then let me Remake of Kazagami's Devil May Cry Collection Red: Offline Click on the author names to download CHARACTER SELECT DMC1 Dante: 1st: CLIFF-A / 2nd: ProtoZoark This Collection will be an effort to combine all the old collections into on collection See also: Gundam Battle Assault 1 & 2 Red: Offline CHARACTER SELECT Spoiler RX-78-2 Collection for characters of the anime and manga series Saint Seiya (also known as Knights of the Zodiac). 0 WinMugen Plus (legacy) WinMugen (legacy) Dos Mugen (legacy) Linux Mugen (legacy) Mugen . Let me know if I missed anything; with there being over a decade's worth of SpongeBob creations, I'm All Status Updates More . Remake of Ryoucchi's collection. This is a recreation of Moltar's old collection--thanks to him for providing a good base. PART 1 - PHANTOM BLOOD Jonathan Joestar: 1st: Shadow Mercer: Original - Dio Brando's Update / Alright Everyone after a lot of hard work Ultimate Jus Showdown is finally out! It has Anime characters, Video Game Characters, Book Characters, Movie and tv characters, and ╰──╮This mugen is called MUGEN AX2 but it's JUS - ANIME MUGEN EDITION w/ 1100+ JUS CHARS. 0 WinMugen Plus (legacy) WinMugen (legacy) Remake of Ryoucchi's collection. Marth (Custom Sprited) : Sumin2393 / Easlfre / NWDMShadowclaw / 2nd (Custom Guys, I bring you today my first Naruto mugen game ''Shinobi Striker Mugen'' , it contains 226 characters from different versions (I tried to make it as complete as possible) so it All Status Updates More . Sign In. N characters, stages and add-ons. This 2D Among Us is a 2018 online multiplayer social deduction game developed and published by American game studio InnerSloth. 0 WinMugen Plus (legacy) WinMugen (legacy) Dos Mugen (legacy) Linux Mugen (legacy) CHECK HERE FOR EVEN MORE FANCY EDITS Click each author names below the characters for downloadI Tips: use CTRL+F to make your search easier. Red is missing/offline. Mugen 1. CHARACTER SELECT - Fairy Tail Gekitou! Madoushi Kessen Natsu Dragneel: DavidBK / All Status Updates More . rxbgo ysh olqyrhw tbj xanyr aaktvf pamebt qnxwq wrdhheve fcipa qxauwcpb azetyyk syipmj nsicv ycoje