Customer satisfaction thesis philippines.
satisfaction of customers at coffee shops .
Customer satisfaction thesis philippines Utilizing a face-to-face customer satisfaction survey of 96 customers of a Philippine resto-bar, this study focuses on evaluating the level of customer satisfaction in a Philippine resto-bar and The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of service quality of clothing e-commerce on customer loyalty via customer satisfaction in the Philippines. Mundin, Jessa Mae M. 2 . ph) Received : 24 May 2022 Revised : 26 June 2022 Accepted : 28 June 202 2 Available Onl ine : 30 June 202 2 THE EFFECTS OF CUSTOMER LOYALTY: AN EMPIRICAL STUDY OF QUICK SERVICE RESTAURANT IN SOUTHERN PHILIPPINES. Rosa, Philippines. A total of 405 clients all over the country were successfully surveyed and validated Factors affecting customer satisfaction as to the atmosphere, product quality, price and loyalty The service quality of local coffee shops Among all the indicators on reliability, highest on the rank is “The staff of local coffee shops present a menu in accordance with customer orders” (4. Assurance creates a sense of physical impact on customer Assessment of service quality has been widely utilized in after-sales service, especially in the automotive industry. Hoeksma et al. It notes that conducting research, analyzing data, and navigating cultural nuances in the Philippines adds complexity. This study proved that four of service quality dimensions (empathy, responsiveness, assurance and tangible) have positive relation with customer satisfaction, except reliability had negative This study examines the service quality of accounting firms in Pampanga, Philippines, and their customers’ satisfaction. The purpose of the study was to determine factors affecting customer satisfaction in an automotive after-sales service at Toyota Dasmarinas-Cavite Philippines by utilizing the SERVQUAL approach. 2 To analyze the majors of these indications in customer satisfaction with e-commerce 1. Meñez2 Abstract Service quality is considerable parts of businesses, which makes it important to correctly, properly measure quality as a notable input to customer satisfaction can be considered a driver of customer life time value. PERCEIVED LEVELS OF CUSTOMER’S SATISFACTION AND LOYALTY OF THE BANK OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS- CARMELRAY PARK II Lester M. As Filipino people love eating and travelling, restaurants located in different tourist spots became one of the trends today. Banana Beach Resort in particular, is Service quality and customer satisfaction have been widely recognized as fundamental drivers in the formation of purchase intentions. The study made use of descriptive method and utilized an adapted questionnaire which was distributed among The Impact of Digital Marketing on Customer Buying Intention of Customers in the Philippines. For the owners of restaurants, customer satisfaction on their quality of Through this study, it was also determined in what aspect were the consumers satisfied and dissatisfied regarding their online shopping experience and how to improve those gaps. Paul; Olson, Jerry C. [ 27 ] utilized an extended TPB to predict consumers’ willingness to purchase mobile and reliability significantly influence customer satisfaction hence determining the nature of services provided. In addition, several studies showed how the different dimensions have significant and positive effects on customer satisfaction, an antecedent of service quality from the 5 SERVQUAL dimensions ( de Oña et al. It focused on assessing the association of service quality with the dimensions of tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy; and customer satisfaction to customer loyalty among the guests of the selected beach resorts of positive impact on customer satisfaction, as well as customer satisfaction had a positive impact on customer loyalty. This thesis examines the customer retention practices of coffee shops in Tarlac City. pdf), Text File (. net, which offers expert thesis The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between canteen service quality and student satisfaction at Mintal Comprehensive High School, Mintal, Tugbok, Davao City, Philippines. The study assessed the guest loyalty and satisfaction of Beach resorts in Dinagat Islands, Philippines. Using the SERVQUAL model, the study explores the effect of service Quantitative Research about School Canteen - Free download as Word Doc (. docx - Free download as Word Doc (. The thesis examines customer satisfaction at Villa Del Prado Beach Resort in Sariaya, Quezon, Philippines. Despite the importance of the contact center This study aimed to assess the relationship and effect of e-Service Quality of E-Banking on Customer satisfaction broken down to the different e-Service quality dimensions to determine which dimension can potentially have the strongest influence on customer satisfaction in the Philippines. This document provides an introduction and methodology for a study on student satisfaction CUSTOMER SATISFACTION IN A RESTAURANT _____ A Thesis Presented to the ETEEAP University of Cebu – Main Campus Cebu City, Philippines _____ In Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in the effect of corporate brand image and customer satisfaction on loyalty (Tu et al. 37). 4. Model construction. INTRODUCTION The revolution of the food industry is unstoppable and the people around it actively engage in various creative practices to achieve the goal of ideal customer experience, enjoyment, and demand. 1. It was prepared and submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a Bachelor of Science degree in Hospitality Management at Tarlac State University. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used to validate The most significant mean on customer satisfaction was from a customer-friendly indicator (x=4. Mendoza,Hazel Angela C. Abstract . Restaurants should continue to innovate and be re silient due to crisis because there will be strongholds and recovery. , 2015), product quality, service reliability and management of operations (Paryani, 2011), the global consumer culture Jollibee is one of the most widely known fast food in Filipino-based restaurants in the world. The company's customer base would have swelled to 33 million customers by 2020. A valid response of 251 Filipinos participated in the empirical study. This study examines the socio-economic profiles, platform preferences, and factors influencing customer satisfaction among mobile money service users in General Santos City, Philippines. Impact of Service Quality on the Customer Satisfaction: Case study at Online’ Meeting Platforms Customer satisfaction is defined by Copley et al. The economic hotel operators can use the result to determine the target market, make a good marketing mix plan to expand the customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. The study examines the relationship between service quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty using the researchers’ expanded Service This document discusses the challenges of writing a thesis about customer satisfaction in the Philippines. ). Several SERVQUAL dimensions such as Restaurant customers nowadays expect tasty food and aesthetic appeal as part of their overall experience. I. Customers to be satisfied are what the business aims for. That customer satisfaction is a function of service performance relative to the customer expectation. It discusses the importance of customer satisfaction and loyalty for business success. , 2009) The Philippines is a thriving market for investors as the country's economic situation is growing: the majority of the population Ammattikorkeakoulut - Theseus street food stalls. Lyceum of the Philippines Univ ersity - Batangas, Philippines (apylagan@lpubatangas. increase in dining customers due to satisfaction and eventually lead to an increase in sales and popularity. The Filipino food takes on an obviously evolving nature, from the streets of Quezon City such as the street food that is more than just a convenience food source in the Philippines, to the five-star establishments of Makati. The study delved into critical aspects such as food Paniterce, D. The Relationship Between Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Brand Loyalty BACHELOR THESIS WITHIN: Business Administration NUMBER OF CREDITS: 15HP PROGRAMME OF STUDY: Marketing Management AUTHOR: Samuel Bengtsson, Jennifer Hertzberg & Louise Rask JÖNKÖPING MAY 2020-A Study Comparing Generation X and Y in Sweden This descriptive-correlational study determined the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction; and customer loyalty. business english for international communication . 88. 0 implementation, and products innovation, while price negatively affected customer Paniterce, D. researchpublish. Aside from increased number of satisfaction of customers on food parks. This tool will describe the significant relationship between the Online Shopping and the Customer December 2021; Journal of Asian Finance Economics and Business Vol 8(No 12 (2021)):509-0518 This study is to identify the positive association of food quality, restaurant service quality, physical environment quality, and customer satisfaction with revisit intention of customers at fast food restaurants. Keywords: Customer satisfaction, Korean restaurant, Filipino, General Trias, Cavite. satisfaction of customers at coffee shops . ph1 mjiabo@lpulaguna. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors affecting customer satisfaction in online shopping. M. 2 Abstract Asya Archakova Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction. Pearson r. 1 To examine the level of customer satisfaction of online purchasing service with e-commerce 1. The decrease in profit and dividend, and even closure of branches were evident. Case study : Liberia Revenue Authority. Using This study aims to determine the level of customer satisfaction of Samurai Talabahan, a seafood restaurant in Iloilo City, Philippines. 2 Consortia Academia Publishing (A Partner of Tourism Educators and Movers of the Philippines) Service quality and customer satisfaction of local coffee shops in Camarines Sur 1. By reviewing the existing literature on customers’ satisfaction, there are a large number of studies on customer’s satisfaction in the private or public business sector. Philippines using a descriptive-correlational design. According to Nielsen (2005), the Philippines has one of the most developed fast food restaurant segments in Asia. edu. department of western languages . Customer satisfaction means that how the customer perceives service delivery. kanyarat thomyachati . impact customer satisfaction, and the service of an accounting firm has a positive effect The results indicated that customer satisfaction was positively influenced by perceived quality, industry 4. 34) verbally One of the Philippine restaurants is Mang Inasal which is the fastest growing barbeque fast food chain in the Philippines. Case study :Company X, 39 pages, 1 appendix Saimaa University of Applied Sciences customer satisfaction research, based on the customer’s point of This study was conducted in class AAA Philippine resorts based on the premise that customer satisfaction and loyalty has a significant relationship to service quality. Keywords: Guest Satisfaction, Guest Loyalty, Laiya San Juan Batangas INTRODUCTION The success of every Beach resorts depends on how satisfied their guest gets on the quality of the product and services that the resort provided. ph4 Date Received: September 9, 2021; Date Revised: October 8, 2021 Abstract – The occurrence of COVID-19 pandemic has The study examined the customers' assessment of five dimensions of dining experience and its impact on disconfirmation and behavioral intention in themed restaurants. The concepts are important for companies to gain long-term Chapter 1 thesis Customer Satisfaction - Download as a PDF or view online for free It is a fact that the city is improving and is considered one of the most developed cities in the Philippines. According to Gong and Yi (2017), According to Gong and Yi (2017), happiness of the customer is determined by quality of service. 1 Background for the research . The study aims to Customer Satisfaction Thesis Philippines - Free download as PDF File (. Regarding the relationship between the factors, it was decided to take a slightly different approach than usual. ph) Received : 25 June 2022 Revised : 6 August 2022 Accepted : 9 August 2022 Available Onl ine : 18 Au gust 4. De Jesus1 and Lyka Mae Fajardo-Ibarra2 1,2Faculty, The results showed that brand image, brand awareness, and customer satisfaction have significant effects and impact on gaining a customer's loyalty. Student Thesis, Master Degree (One Year), 15 Credits Supervisor: Maria Fregidou-Malama, Ph. tolentino@lpulaguna. This study analyzed how the aesthetic value of restaurants affects customer satisfaction This research aimed to comprehensively analyze factors influencing customer satisfaction in General Santos City's catering services industry. It acknowledges the support received from various individuals involved in Customer Satisfaction Thesis Philippines - Free download as PDF File (. the master of arts degree in . txt) or read online for free. During the COVID-19 pandemic, fast-food restaurants are thriving as they are closing throughout the country. The Philippine digital payments business grew dramatically in 2020. Customers’ Satisfaction in Higher Education. 12, Issue 1, pp: (54-65), Month: January - March 2024, Available at: www. INTRODUCTION Lyceum of the Philippines Univ ersity - Batangas, Philippines (jen_mar_143@yahoo. customer satisfaction is very important to a business because satisfied customers are most likely to be loyal, place repeated orders and use a wide range of services offered by a business. THESIS. When creating a model or index of customer satisfaction, researchers usually look Factors Affecting Customer Loyalty in Nueva Ecija, Philippines Fhrizz S. submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for . Customer satisfaction International Journal of Thesis Projects and Dissertations (IJTPD) Vol. Respondents are aged between 18-24 years old, male closely followed by femalerespondents, and are mostly employed with a monthly salary of 10,000 to 15,000 pesos. in gas stations in bangkok . It could thus be deduced that PUVs in the Philippines adhered to the COVID-19 safety protocols, leading to customer satisfaction. Mang Inasal serves chicken In the customer satisfaction survey presented in Table 3, the general rating is satisfied in all factors with the weighted mean of 2. Tacio (2012) stated that it is an integral part of the landscape and culture of Filipinos. 7 . . As such, the improvement of marketing strategies can be adopted by the Philippines: Basis for Business Operations Enhancement Arnold Magtibay De Luna1, Norma L. 930) satisfied the criterion crucial to keep customers satisfied and pleased with the quality, service, and products offered . 45), while the least mean was identified from delivery efficiency (x=4. Finally, the importance of customer satisfaction cannot be overstated. by employees to be competitive in th is competitive marketplace (Lam & Zhang, 2003). It provides background on tourism and resorts, defines key terms like customers and customer satisfaction, and describes the This document is a thesis that examines the attitudes, satisfaction, and loyalty of customers at Shop Suki, a store located in KCC Mall in General Santos City, Philippines. , 2016 1. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted restaurants across the world. The document then introduces HelpWriting. A self-structured survey questionnaire was constructed and underwent In the Philippines, e-commerce is growing at a constant and rapid rate. This study aimed to determine the relationships between Jollibee’s price, food quality, culture/social influence, and 2. 1. Nearly all Filipinos (99 percent) are fast food patrons, and the The primary purpose of this research study is to determine the satisfaction rate with regards to the Internet services provided by the Major Telecommunications Company Duopoly in the Philippines Customer satisfaction is very crucial for getting restaurant success if the customers are fully satisfied with food quality, they tend to visit frequently they build good relationship or make a Thesis Satisfaction of Fast-food - Free download as Word Doc (. Examiner: Akmal Hyder, Ph. docx), PDF File (. Sumagui, Juliano ABSTRACT This study focuses on perceived levels of customer’s satisfaction and loyalty of the Bank of the Philippine Isalnds- Carmelray Park II Thesis 2013 . For this reason, it is important to understand how customer expectation is formed in order to identify the factors of service satisfaction in the hotel industry. 4 To describe what is the significance of these indications in customer satisfaction and the client's expectations was what they meant by "customer satisfaction". Customer satisfaction with a company's products or services is often seen as the key to a company's success and long-term competitiveness. Without proper guidance, taking on such a significant task can be overwhelming. This research indicates a close correlation between service quality, the five-dimensional aspects, and customer satisfaction. Restaurants are essential to every Filipinos. customer satisfaction levels were higher when t hey had higher perception of restaurant employees’ personal service aspects, which indicates that customers Student Thesis, Master Degree (One Year), 15 Credits Master Thesis in Business Administration 15 Credits Supervisor: Maria Fregidou-Malama, Ph Examiner: Akmal Hyder, Ph expectation and the actual service performance during or after service consumption (Caruana, 2002 and Chen, 2010). , 2012), the impact of service quality and atmosphere on customer satisfaction and loyalty (Shin et al. Keywords: Food parks, selling food on the street, satisfaction, customers. D. satisfaction, customer contentment, and customer lo yalty. Title: Impact of service quality on customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is widely recognized as an important indicator of ongoing use and effectiveness in information the theory to investigate a consumer’s satisfaction and intention for eating meals [25, 26]. 36) followed by “The staff of local coffee shops can handle all orders well” (4. The It is the aim of this paper to explore the determinants of customer satisfaction in a Philippine retail chain using factor analysis and aid retail managers and decision makers with valuable should be involved in achieving a good customer satisfaction feedback such as clean restrooms, good food, and a friendly and inviting atmosphere. Keywords: service quality, hotel industry, customer satisfaction, descriptive methodology TABLE OF CONTENTS Angeles City is known as a culinary destination in the Philippines. An article on the Manila Times website on March 30, 2021 ( Christine G,. by . This document discusses a study on customer satisfaction with product quality at fast food chains in Batangas In this light, the researchers aim toimprove customer satisfaction regarding the new system that was introduced by two of themost well-known fast-food chains in the Philippines. In the context of higher education, few studies on customer’s satisfaction have been conducted [17 – 19]. (2020) as an assessment that determines how satisfied customers or purchasers are with an organization's showed that most of Filipino customers who have dined in this Korean Restaurants are not satisfied with prices, however they would be more satisfied if the restaurant improve their food, facility and service. 3 To study how would E-commerce in online service be improved 1. In 2016, transactions on GCash, Globe Telecom's maintained mobile wallet, increased by 254 percent year over year. The thesis was approved by the adviser and board of panelists. It includes an introduction discussing the importance of interior design and customer The business establishments make sure that confidentiality and professionalism are observed at all the time (Singh, &Saluja, 2013). consumer characteristics to guarantee its eligibility including gender, age, marital status, employment status, monthly income, and frequency of online shopping in a month. INTRODUCTION Public sector organizations are not exempted from providing quality service and satisfying their customers, even if they are not typically focused on customer satisfaction (Nunkoo, Teeroovengadum, Ringle, & Sunnassee, 2019). , & Ylagan, A. This document provides background information on a research study about customer satisfaction levels of fast food restaurants in SM Sta. a master’s project. ph2 jjarellano@lpulaguna. com Page | 54 Research Publish Journals Impacts of Green Practices on Customer Satisfaction among Selected Coffee Shops in Dasmariñas City, Cavite The Philippines, like other This document is a thesis that examines the effects of interior design on customer satisfaction in selected coffee shops in Quezon City, Philippines. In the context of relationship marketing, customer With the rise of online shopping during COVID-19 pandemic in the Philippines, it is important to understand the buying decision among Filipinos. Anchored on stimulus-organism-response framework, this chapter investigates how gastronomic experience quality, satisfaction Abstract. Customers must be satisfied by what the business can offer and provide by means of product or service. For a newly established Beach resort, guests must always be The study sheds light on the Impact of e-banking on customer satisfaction. May 2022; Authors: H9: Customer satisfaction has a positive impac t on The growing demand of customers using MTAs in the Philippines and the limited studies available for use in the local setting were the motivation of this study which addressed three (3) objectives Faculty, CITHM1, Lyceum of the Philippines University-Laguna krisnleyale. Introduction Modern society, including young people, has embraced coffee culture as a way of life. Additionally, word of mouth is investigated as moderator on the relationship of customer satisfaction with revisit intentions of customers at fast food Purpose – The objective of this study is to investigate the correlation between service price, service quality, store atmosphere, and customer satisfaction in coffee shops in the post-COVID-19 era. Philippines. It was then recommended that Philippines’ beach resort owners specifically the banana beach resort must consider the Kano model theory where the focus lightens the 3 attributes to satisfaction Online business-to-consumer marketing requires marketers to understand consumers and deliver the products and services consumer want, need, just as traditional marketing does (Peter, J. 101. 120 customers of the This study aims to measure the levels of customer satisfaction using the five A study of the factors influencing customer satisfaction and efficiency in contact centers: the combined effect structure of this thesis is given to help guide the reader. doc / . Customer satisfaction is of two different the Philippines, the effects of customer service quality and product quality on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty were studied by Altejar and Dizon [ 17 ] Abstract. ph3 ammromero@lpulaguna. com. Customer Satisfaction Charlo Bianci Montehermoso Guray Abstract: Beach resorts in the Philippines aimed to build and maintain high quality services available to the clienteles in order to compete in the global market especially this time that ASEAN Integration came in to the country’s business systems. May 2022; Journal of Business and Management Studies 4(2):383-395 (. The e-commerce industry levels of Customer Satisfaction when analyzed by Gender, Age Group, and Type of Area Rural/Urban as provided in sub-questions 4 and 5. The attributes considered in this study may also be utilized by other Samgyeopsal Most of the customers were satisfied with the privacy aspect but less with the system's availability component of the service quality evaluation; nonetheless, the demographic profile of the chosen thesis, Pondicherry University]. Lyceum of the Philippines University, Batangas City, Philippines Date Received: November 28, 2019; Date Revised: April 17, 2020 Asia Pacific Journal of Academic Research in Business Administration customer satisfaction, limited study has focused on the factors that lead to customer’s perceived value and the customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. The study will examine customer satisfaction in terms of the restaurant's product, service, Satisfied customers form the foundation of any successful business as customer satisfaction leads to repeat purchase, brand loyalty, and positive word of mouth. zjorxmffvlklbwcpoibzygtkhpvdebdusyhqbrfannksxnjemtckvxvpataliwpbkbwqsepakx