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Can the post office make you work 7 days a week Discuss your case with a knowledgeable workplace rights attorney—call the Workplace Rights Law Group at 818-334-6881 to schedule a free case evaluation today. Lawyer's Assistant: Where are you located? Seven-day workweek laws The following section will give you a better idea of exactly what you can expect from working out 7 days a week. On the flip side, you get a lot of time off to reset once you make it to your Friday. You're not doing much for chores or errands on those work days. Delivering the mail is among the most popular things the government does, with 91% of Americans having a favorable opinion of the Postal Service, according to a Pew Research Center poll. Work days are entirely wake up, go to work, come home, go to sleep, repeat. If you work 7 consecutive days, you are to be paid time and one-half for It also gives you the freedom to have five days off every week to spend on other things. That means if there was a holiday that week, and you only worked 3 or 4 days, you would be just under 40 hours even though you could have worked 3 days of 13 But there is no maximum cap on the number of hours worked in a week or number of days worked in a week. Why work at the post office? Some reasons why you might want to work at the post office include: Diverse workforce: The post office requires a diverse workforce to fulfill its various employment opportunities, meaning you can find a career regardless of your skills. Answered July 1, 2021. That required day of rest has to come every calendar week, not every 7 days. Federal overtime law can be found in the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) of 1938. Here, we explore the key points regarding working 7 days a week in New York. Importance of managing a 7-day work week Whether you're taking on a new, exciting project at work, working from home or starting a new business, adapting to a 7-day work week is a unique challenge. For example, suppose you work in an emergency medical care position and the employer states clearly in the handbook provided to you at initial employment that weekends, holidays and evening hours may be required. Employers can require employees to work 7 days a week in most occupations. A retail employer must allow full-time employees (defined in the following statute as those who work more than 30 hours in a week) at least one 24-hour period off in seven, i. If you’re exempt, they can’t make you take leave without pay for those partial weeks when they’re closed, but they can make you use vacation time. ) Contract states they can be worked 360 days in a row but Remote work has become the new standard for many employees across the U. However, Labor Code sections 551 and 552 state that you cannot be caused to work more than six days in a row. 5 hours each day for a total of 37. One exception to the unlimited hours rule in Texas is for employees in the retail sector. While California regulations technically state For what it's worth, $150/ is almost 8k (7. But, you do get a break if the extra days you worked put you over 30 hours of work that week. Is this accurate? You’re working 12 hours a day, 7 days a week, which is 84 hours a week. e. I have also provided a link, below, to the One time i had to work 13 days in a row in Turkey because laws believes that as long as you have a one day off in 13 day you are not working for full week. You start part-time with no benefits and unfortunatley seniority rules. The pay makes working 1 day a week worth How many days straight can the Post Office work you? 11. Do postal workers work 7 days a week? Sunday through Saturday, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. OP - yes, your employer can require you to work 7-days a week. From Friday night, your boss will be able to make you come back into the My teacher used to work for IBM. The money was huge. Can I be required to work 7 days a week in the state of Texas?? If you are posting content, you assert that your submissions are original and not generated by an automated tool, such as artificial intelligence (AI). So, your employer can ask you to work 7 days this week and 5 days next week. 7. Continue reading to find out what compensation Sure, you may be working 12 hours a day for 7 days a week for a month or more- but when you’re home you’re actually home. Its not fun working those jobs if you're always working overnights or weekends. The casual temporary and holiday position schedules are tedious to say the least. Some post offices even make you work 7 days a week. you need to be available) then 4 hrs × 5 days probably makes sense. lol kids got to love your mentality. If you were not in a union, then under PA and Federal Law, they can work you 7 days a week. So my supervisor asked if I had any weekend commitments and I replied not at all (wanting to put on a good face) as my normal schedule is Mon-Fri, she asked if I could work Saturday and Sunday from next week onward and that's 7 days a week without a break. If you are a nonexempt employee, you must be paid time and one half for all hours over 8 in a workday or over 40 in a workweek (don't count meal period) and double time over 12 hours in any workday. I should be off tomorrow but was told I may be called in. Small towns can get just a few hours a week. Training is the only time an Arc can get in the hours. In California, according to the double time law, employers must pay employees double their regular rate of pay for hours worked beyond 12 hours in a workday and for hours worked beyond eight hours on the seventh consecutive day of work in a workweek. I had a good experience in the city post offices, but the country post office was a disaster! All white people only too, which was horrible that there was no You’re still entitled to overtime pay for hours worked in excess of 40 hours per week, but you can be forced to work seven days during a week. I stressed in my interview that this was just going to be my second job, and they hired me. Personally from what she told me alone it seems possible, but as everyone says you only have one life so don't waste it working every day! I’m working 6 days a week filling in for them, but a nearby office is offering me Sunday hours. . Hey tricky question, I am planning on working 7 days in a row, 5 days(tue-sat) in this week, and Sunday Monday of the next week. I just want to be sure. Good HR rep ensure you have at least 2 days off to avoid this. I'm being 100% serious. (like now), but only guaranteed one day of work/week (usually Saturday). The trial is the first salvo in Royal Mail’s move to tap into the seven-day-a-week delivery market as more and more consumers expect Sunday deliveries as part of their online shopping experience. by motherhubbard » 08 Jan 2016, 21:50. I recently resigned the post office as CCA. to the Department of Labor's web page regarding the FLSA for your reference. Some plants will even go to 12 hr days 7 days a week if it gets bad enough. ARC only do packages and spurs. But it doesn't roll over. Archived post. I needed at least 1 weekend day to be comatose after some housework and 1 after work day to chill/ meet friends. Most offices are open As you are in a union, your question deends on your Collective Baraining Agreement that your union negotiated. They had us working 12 hour days on a regular basis through mid March. Often in construction jobs not only are you working 7 days a week, but also 10-12 hours a day. You are entitled to double time if you work more than 12 hours in a day or work more than eight hours on the seventh consecutive day of work in a work week. Therefore, any hours worked in addition to the employee’s regular schedule are not worked “instead of” his or her regular schedule. If you cannot work the new shifts then you may be eligible for redundancy. Many 9-5s are actually much longer than that when you take into account commuting and work expectations outside of the office. Working 50-60 hrs every week lol 7 day in a row does not make overtime sorry. 5x your regular pay for every hour worked past 40 in a week. But they really don't like you going over 60 hours in one week (sun-sat). I got hired last December and I don't know why I didn't walk out after the first night. If your supervisors are trying to work you more than 12 hours in a day, get with your union steward ASAP. While flexible work arrangements may have been spurred by What roles at Post Office USPS can work from home during the COVID-19 outbreak? Asked July 1, 2021. So mathematically, your maximum possible number of work hours is 84 in a week, if you worked 12 hours a day 7 days a week. r/devops. I deliver Amazon on Sundays, in an office 35 miles (one way) away and 3 days a week I drive 45 miles (one way) to deliver in another office after I complete my AUX. They can and do often work casual temps long hours and sometimes 7 days a week during peak mail periods and you are subject to work any and all shifts. Open comment sort options Now all the CCAs in my office get one day off a week, or 2 if they’ve got a drs note (most of them do. Require employees to sign broad noncompete agreements. I want to set myself up for the future. you should be getting OT, 1. Seven days a week are mandatory and if you refuse seven days a week you face the start of the termination procedures. 12 days are OK as long as there is a 2 day break before reurning to work Weekly rest - the 'weekend' If you are an adult worker you have the right to an uninterrupted 24 hours clear of work each week or an uninterrupted 48 hours clear each fortnight. California’s Rest Day Rules Aren’t Always About Consecutive Days of Work. Like a lot of employees, you're overlooking a very important fact: "your" job isn't really "yours" at all -- it belongs to your EMPLOYER, and the employer gets to make the rules. , each week, the employee must be allowed to have a day off. Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) is the department responsible for social programs and the labour market at the federal level. With a few exceptions, there are no federal limits on the number of hours your employer can ask you to work. In some jobs (airline crews, physicians), there may be limits on the number of consecutive hours you may work without a The postal service can impose a requirement on employees to work more than 12 hours in a service day and 60 hours in a service week, except for agreed upon emergency actions. FTR: Is guaranteed 8 hours a day and 40 hours per week; 8 hours work (or pay in lieu of work) when called in on their non-scheduled day; and they are guaranteed a minimum of 4 consecutive hours of work (or pay in lieu of work) when called in outside of their regular work schedule unless they continue to work into their regular scheduled shift. Luckily at that job I get to make my own hours. If you are traveling in less than 10 weeks, you must call the State Department Passport Agency to schedule an appointment: You can call 1-877-487-2778 (1-888-874-7793 TDD/TTY) to schedule an appointment. There was no employee consent. At one time or another, I have worked all of the hours in a week. -- Must be you are not in one of those post offices with the regular/ PTF to RCA/ARC ratio mentioned by the out-going president in the SEP 2018 issue of the national magazine. night workers have the right to free In my office I work 6 days in a row at least than 40 hours, so in my earlier days I sprung to work an extra days to make up the hours, and my supervisor spoke to me about not doing that since we aren't supposed to go more than 10 days working in a row. There are no federal labor laws placing any such limits on the USPS, but there may be a local agreement limiting number of consecutive days. I work a job that ebbs and flows with work. if you work a two week schedule and you are scheduled off sat and sun then work the rest of the week and then next week woork all week and have thursday friday. Therefore, you averaged 12 work days and 2 full days off in 2 weeks - which is in compliance with the law. and learned as a CCA we’re all under a contract we’re not really part of the post office we’re contracted to the Wondering how many weekends can you work in a row? Well, as an employer, you can ask your employees to work every weekend, as long as it’s contractually agreed. overtime happens if you work over 40 hours a week or over 8 hours in a day. Monday because no one likes waking up on Monday. Target HR policy is you can't work 7 consecutive business days in a work work week. Things that keep me going: I work for myself, I’m building a business and a name in my industry. People always do stuff on Sundays and it's great to have that buffer recovery day before you start work. Working 7 days in a row, you get mandatory 8th day off. People she used to work with worked 12 hours a day 7 days a week. How to Prove Whistleblower Retaliation in the Workplace: A Step Regular city carriers do work 5 days a week. Dropping off items. Most states have a 1 day off per 7 days. In larger offices they have to meet one of the five exceptions, otherwise they have to pay the employee who would have performed the work. I lasted a month before I had to give up the weekends, I was losing my mind not having a day off for weeks. I wish it was a part of the learning curriculum that the most important patient in the office is the person with the big diploma. In any event, if you are working more than 40 hours in a work week then your employer may be required to pay overtime to you. Whether an employer can make you work seven days a week depends on your agreement when taking the job, especially since the Federal and the state of Florida do not set any rules on the number of hours or days you have to work. It really depends on how you're able to balance your time off. I still agree with the conclusion, though. 12 hrs a day 5 days a week, once you hit 60, nobody can mandate you to work anymore if you're regular. No job is work from home. Some USPS employees have customer service roles, while others work in corporate positions that involve It’s not bad if you can keep the same schedule seven days a week. Certain blue collar jobs like construction can wear you out physically if you don't have a rest day pretty often. This act was created to stipulate a It is not illegal under federal law to work 7 days a week. At best, if you feel your position is not exempt, you may be eligible for overtime - but you are still required to work the hours your employer needs you to work. The lowest level for that is RCA. Monday and Thursday. 5 hours a day, 7 days a week for up to 360 days straight. Locally they get 6 or 7- 12 hour days a week. But now they are telling us that since we don't work a full 40 hour week they have the right to schedule us for 6 days without asking. , with 54% reporting they want to work from home post-pandemic. ” Employers can get permission from the Director of the Illinois Department of Labor to work their employees 7 days a Having tested personal limits in early 20s, the burnout limit was - 8 hrs working day (paid lunch) + 2 hrs extra work 4 days a week + 1 working weekend day. One is to plan your life around those ebbs and flows. Primo. There are some exceptions, as there always are. However, it is important to understand that those numbers are averages for the month. Common questions about DPD services. 24 hour rest period in 7 days 48 hour rest period in 14 days You can also opt out of Sunday trading which means an employer then can’t make you work Sunday, however if a Sunday was originally one of your contracted days they are not obligated to switch to another Can you work 7 days in a row, as long as it is across 2 weeks, so not over 60 hours a week limit. It might take awhile though like 3-5 years. The specific rules can vary by state, so it’s If your supervisor likes your work, they can keep you for at least 180 days. I’m a young guy and have been working 7 days a week, averaging 70-80hrs a week of work plus commute for around 4 years now. Often, the people who decide to start working out 7 days a week do so to That means that the maximum you can work is 6 days per week. More posts you may like r/devops. Instead, they are paid as overtime hours worked in excess of 8 hours per service day or 40 hours per service week. You can be worked 11. have to pay you overtime. Moreover since your wife works for the postal service, the terms of the USPS contract with the NPWU controls. You should file a One Day Rest in Seven Complaint Form. Your state or city may have limits. S. Open comment sort options No guarantee of work at the post office for MHA/CCA/RCAs. So you either do: 7. Basically I work Thursday through Saturday, and then Sunday through Wednesday! 😵‍💫 I heard rumors that if it Carry’s over to the next week then you can work 7 days in a row. Or get in touch with DPD or Post Office if you can’t find the help you need. Maybe you can do it if you're sufficiently motivated to get rid of the student loan and stay focused on your goal. But you can be scheduled. Forbid you from discussing your salary with co-workers. Upvote 16. If you are a non-exempt employee, you have to earn overtime for working seven days a week, but you can be required to work seven days a week. Hard to say what your limit is, but I suspect it’s unsustainable. So, you need to dictate terms. Without careful consideration, a strict work schedule spanning over seven days, week-on-week, can become a point of stress and exhaustion. So we worked alternating 12 hour shifts, 7 days a week. I work 7 days a week working 2 jobs My FT job is at the airport and is very early starting at 0530 so I have to wake up at 0430 to make it with my commute I’m done by 1330 so at least the traffic isn’t too bad On the other two days I’m doing a PT office job 0800-1600 so I can “sleep in” on those two days More posts you may like In California, you are entitled to receive overtime (time and a half) when you work in excess of eight hours in a workday, or more than 40 hours in a work week. Like being on top of laundry and meal planning in your down time, so They don’t have the unilateral right to do our work unless permitted by Article 1 Section 6a and b. Barring a state law, there is no federal limitation regarding the amount of hours an exempt employee can work. 1 In the contract your is states 4 hours for CCA but most offices will work you 8 hours but they can make you work up to 11 1/2 hours a day without notice. Make sure you schedule some alone time at least one night a week for You are entitled to an interrupted rest period of 11 hours in a 24 hour period. According to this department, the standard work shift of every employee is typically eight hours a day over 24 The Employment Standards Code requires one day of rest in every work week, 2 consecutive days in a period of 2 consecutive work weeks, and so on up to 4 consecutive days in a period of 4 consecutive work weeks. Then 2 days of work, get the bulk of it done, have a break day to recover/get some needed things done, work 1 more day and then it's the weekend again. Answer See 22 answers. That said, you work for city government, and it’s possible they’re allowed to play by different own rules; government is inexplicably exempted from some of the FLSA provisions. So they gave a off on monday and made me work 13 days straight Probably you have a similar Working some ridiculous number of hours or days (anything over 4. I am 6 months in as a CCA and I'm working 6 days a week, 10hrs+ a day with just having sunday off. Ya right!!! The biggest lie!!! I applied again this year, received an Offer Phase, and just found out after waiting almost four months that they filled and closed the position now. I’m an RCA am working 7 days a week I run a 3hr Aux 6 days a week, cover the K-route and my Aux on Saturday. PA does not have any such law. Cons are 12s can be a long day, especially since you're often held over by something. In level 18 offices they can do only 15 hours of craft work per week. Recent posts. Money is only as valuable as what if gives you, and it can't buy you health and wellness (although it helps) if you don't look after yourself. Or get medical restrictions like everyone else who don't want to work OT. Caution. Medicine, healthcare, and warehouse all have 4 day work weeks. Can I get around it? I think the issue you have pertains to certain offices that make their regular city carriers work 6-7 days a week and thats the benefit of being a regular city carrier is that you get to bid on offices where they only work 5 days, 40ish hours a week. 1 day a week. New comments cannot be posted. When you sign up, you're made aware you can be working 7 days a week, 360 days a year. The additional hours worked are not considered as out–of–schedule premium hours. Rt2mailman Well Ask prohibited questions on job applications. It's 4 hours of overtime every day. The downside is that this schedule can make collaborating with others really hard. Varies based on the office. However, some states have laws that restrict the number of consecutive days an employee can work without a day off. Answered September 4, 2019. They also hire basically anybody with a pulse as a temp employee going into peak season, just to try and handle the One exception would be whether there was a contract between you and the employer. Look, if they need you to work 7 days a week that means you are so important they can't stand to lose you. ARC cannot handle standard or regular mail. Generally, pretty easy once you learn each route. I just want to know, will they still want to keep me if I say I only want to work two 8-10 hour shifts a week. Perhaps you are not recalling correctly. #1 Creating a sense of routine. It varies based on location. I'd rather work 4 days a week, but only if I still get weekends off. Under California's overtime laws, you can be required to work seven days a week. Generally speaking, there is no limit on the number of days your employer can schedule you to work. If you don't collect the item, it'll be returned to the sender by DPD. Delivery is mostly Monday through Saturday, although some deliveries are made on Sunday. Is this legal? I wasn't told of this beforehand. 2 questions:1. After 24 consecutive workdays, an employee is It's probably also good if you make a plan for ending working 7 days a week, I think you'll be less likely to burn out if you feel like the end is in site Office Manager 40 hours a week plus approx 15 hours a week at a Deli job. It really depends on your partners. She said that if you worked 9-5 Monday to Friday, you were seen as being lazy. It depends. 5 hour weeks and get paid for that as full time. The specific language is: “every employer shall post in a conspicuous place on the premises a schedule containing a list of his employees who are required or allowed to work on Sunday and designating the day of rest for each. Also there is no room for promotions and ladder climbing here. These days off don’t have to be at the weekend, but you’ll need to make sure you’re providing them. 5 hours 4 days a week and work and extra half hour one day per week. 5 (overtime time and a half) for the other 44 hours which is 1518 a weekso you’re bringing home $2,438 a week, $126,776 a year. To protect workers’ health and safety, working hours must meet minimum standards applicable throughout the EU. Downvote 6. Picking up items. Is there any official policy on working 7 days a week as an RCA? It hasn't been a problem in my office up until recently when they decided to not allow anyone to work over 6 days a week after some silly standup about mental exhausting. (& some days I’m finishing my route & gone in under 6 hours) my postmaster says I can’t work Sunday if I’m doing 6 days already. Employers / Post Job. Your entire life revolves around your job. 5 hours day for 12 days in a row? Locked post. It burns me out and makes me dread the work week (and making me less productive and hence worse at my job) and makes me literally want to end it all just so I can get off this stupid artificial treadmill with the retirement “carrot” hanging in Customer: Can your employer, USPS, work you 9 days straight because your shifts are not 8 hours long? Lawyer's Assistant: How many hours per day is this job? Is there employee consent for this many consecutive days? Customer: My hours are from 4 to 8 hours a day. I just got hired as a CCA in New York, and on my first day I'm being told kiss goodbye to all my loved ones cause I will be working 12 hours a day for 7 days every week. Right around the last 3 or so months of the year, everybody is mailing everything for various holidays, so the post office drowns in packages/letters. Want a break? I can’t function doing something that I’m not interested in for 8 hours a day 5 days a week. Here, we discuss if it's legal to work 7 days a week in New York. If it helps you keep a good schedule do it and the extra money will be a good bonus. Quit the job. Whether an employer can make you work seven days a week depends on your agreement when taking the job. 5 days a week) is brutal and it WILL catch up to you. You have to test to handle mail. Reactions: oi veh. My last day off was July 4 and next week's schedule is not out yet but I'm scheduled for the rest of the week. I have worked seven days a week at the same job for years because I was on night shift and it was easier for me not to switch back to sleeping at night with always working. I take home 35% ish of my income after child support and taxes so I can’t pass up on hours. At $23/hr (rounded down), you’re making 920 for your first 40 hours, then 34. this is perfectly legal in most states NO OT has So, I work for a major report in Bonita springs Fl and have been working 5 days for years now. Being aware of your rights as an employee is crucial to ensure fair treatment and compliance with labor laws in New York. So you can't be scheduled say, 7 5 hour shifts Sunday-Saturday. So be sure you are being paid OT for every hour past 40 in a week. If you're a CCA, I recommend you find another job unless you like the money or close to making regular. If that’s the case, you’re entitled to a day off. I’ve been a consistent 6 days 9 A lot of it depends on what type of job you're doing. My co-worker was able to do it a couple more weeks. At most I would want to work two 8-hour shifts and maybe one 3-4 hour morning shift. That's a bit more. Tuesday to the following Thursday (10 days in a row) and it's not against policy. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Your appointment date must be within 72 hours (3 business days) of travel, and you must provide proof of About a year after Victorians were forced to work from home if they could, the scales are tipping back the other way. Share Sort by: Top. Report. In the last year, Royal This law forbids employers from requiring covered employees to work more than 6 out of 7 days in a week. 6 hours per day so you will work 7 hours and 36 minutes. If your job requires a lot of interaction with clients or co-workers (i. 8k assuming 52 weeks worked). As you learn more you will spend less hours on the route. As a regular, 40 minimum, and more than that is max. It's not some overtime. Post divorce - extra cash comes in handy. You will work 5 days a week and you will be on emergency call for the remaining 2 days per week however your rate for working during your 2 days off is $100/hr with a 3 hour minimum. I worked in a larger There's a big difference between 7 days a week for short bursts and 365 days non-stop. I recently resigned from an office that was 6 days a week 11 1/2 hours a day with 1 day off every 8 days & it was really taking a toll on my health with 5-6 hours a Additionally, this waiver is limited to only eight (8) weeks out of the year unless the employer can show that an extension is a necessity. Constantly working like that is dangerous to your health and well-being. Or 8 hours per day with a day off every 4 weeks. You have 7 days from the day it's delivered to your chosen Post Office branch. and EthelAnne. Is working 7 days a week legal? You may wonder about the legality of working seven days a week. 11 This means that you can As my plant is making us work 7 days a week with no days off and this will be the second week now. Just remember that they need 24 hours off every week or 48 every two weeks. When I did get busy we use the get asked who wanted to work 6 days which was fine since it meant more money. If you’ve been expected to work against your will for more than 6 consecutive days, you have rights. 10. If you are stowing or doing something like that, a manager will let you know what time you need to go out before hitting the 60 hour mark or if you are problem solving or something of the sort, they will chime you. Other than limited scheduled work hours, overtime hours, and mealtime, no work may be performed over a period longer than 12 consecutive hours. I'm thinking I might go insane from stress if I take this on. Talk to your carrier to see what to expect locally. The issue of overtime may not be straight forward and you should speak to an attorney that practices employment law to assist you. Now I'm also working every sunday as we started doing Amazon this past sunday. I think the issue you have pertains to certain offices that make their regular city carriers work 6-7 days a week and thats the benefit of being a regular city carrier is that you get to bid on offices where they only work 5 days, 40ish hours a week. You can't work 7 days in a row at all. The Legality of Working Seven Days a Week: A Comprehensive Analysis; The Legality of Working 7 Days a Week Without a Day Off in New York: A Comprehensive Analysis; Understanding the Legality of Working 7 Consecutive Days in the UK; The Legality of Working 50 Hours a Week in the UK: A Comprehensive Analysis; Is it legal to work 7 days a week in Urgent Travel in Less than 10 Weeks. How many days in a row can I be forced to work without a day off?2. However, if you work six to eight hours every day and do not receive a rest day for every seven days worked, you may have an employee rights violation case on your hands. Have been told that you can no longer work 7 days in a row without a day off. ekmjd ntdl vqwfdz obmerz aun grfs oxxhn svshaou mxusit vwypolra vyyjgn daqqj juqh khfd ormb